Is Spring Cleaning Still a Thing?
Some may say that spring cleaning is a thing of the past, but take a look at this list and you may say otherwise.
Purpose of Spring Cleaning
The purpose is to remove dust, pollen, pet fur, germs and deep clean our houses to make fresh for summer.
Seasonal Change
Do a seasonal change out of winter to summer gear including lawn mowers, patio furniture, decorations (wreaths, tablecloths, bedding etc), clothing (donate what you didn’t wear in winter, bring out tank tops, flip flops, sandals, store away fuzzy sweaters), change smoke detector batteries at the time change, and flip mattress.
Clean your Cleaning Supplies
Clean your cleaning supplies by replacing mop heads, getting new brooms (or demote inside to outside)/toilet brushes/scrub brushes, cleaning or replacing vacuum filters.
Dust and Disinfect Details
Dust and disinfect details means computer keyboards/mouse/monitor, light switch covers, door knobs, TVs, blinds, ceiling fans, baseboards/walls (top down in house—fans, shelves, to vacuum, baseboards, then mop), windows and windowsills, furniture and carpet cleaning (rent $35 at Lowe’s for a day), and wipe down light bulbs with microfiber cloth (20% less light if dirty).
Wash all covers
Wash all covers which means rugs, blankets, throws, comforters, and pillow cases on throw pillow, and curtains.
In Specific Rooms
Fireplace: Get cleaned if well-used
Kitchen: Purge pantry, run vinegar through coffee maker, backsplashes, range hoods, clean sinks, new sponges, microwave, sink, oven, refrigerator/freezer, under fridge and oven
Bathroom: new makeup brushes, medicine cabinet remove expired, replace staples, clean soap dishes, clean bathroom vent fans (they become fire hazards), soak faucets/shower heads in vinegar
Outside: sweep, clean out gutters, wipe down furniture

Is Spring Cleaning Important?
Go room by room and do an entire room in a day or a week, or whatever pace works for you or you can go by task and clean all ceiling fans or vacuum the whole house at once etc.
You can use my checklist found above if that is helpful. Use the blank lines to add your own for your specific needs.
You’ll have less allergies, breathing issues, and your house will be all fresh and germ-free. I do see it as important so I try to incorporate it into our weekly cleaning, but not get it all done within a week. We may take a couple months to get it all done.
How do you like to tackle it?
Are you ready to get your space or schedule organized? Let me know how I can help you get to a more Peaceful Place.