Frequently Asked Questions

I will get some information about how you use your space now and what your goals are, your personality and preferences, and what works best for you. Then we’ll do a full tour of your entire home to see how you are using your space now and where things are stored. After that, we make a plan of where we determine the first priority area to be and get moving right then depending how much time we have left. Some people like to schedule only the minimum of 2 hours at a time and others do blocks of 3-4 hours. Then at the end of that appointment we might decide on some homework you think is doable before the next appointment and if you get it done, that’s great. If not, we’ll work on it together the next time.
I will work with you each step of the way so you learn the organizing process for yourself and won’t end up re-accumulating.
Some people want to go away and come back to an organized place. I’ll help you get there and decide how to make your space work for you and what you need to get to the most. There are other organizers that are the “do it for you” types and they will have you leave and come back and it’ll be organized. That isn’t me because they usually will have to return again and again to maintain it too since you didn’t learn the organizing skill. It’s the teacher in me that wants you to be able to do this too.
For the hoarders you know: do not just assume they’d love to come back to a magically organized space. They’ll feel robbed
and won’t trust you again. They will re-accumulate what you got rid of.
I will work with any age child too. You’d be surprised how much they’ll get rid of when given the chance!
We go as fast as you want and are able. I can rock and roll quickly if you are ready to declutter.
I also have worked with some people who need to talk about every item and have a moment to reflect about where they got it and that memory before they can detach from it.
I’m there for you to go the pace you need to. I also will give homework if you’d like to get things done between sessions.
I charge $60 per hour with a minimum of 2 hours for each appointment. Just so we don’t get everything out and then need to put it away.
Usually blocks of about 4 hours work best to get a whole area done in one appointment.
How it looks when we are done is up to you. Most of the people who need help getting organized love to buy pretty containers, but don’t know how to declutter and use those containers well. It is my job to help you to decide what really needs to be stored and how.
Then if you want to buy pretty containers to make it look a certain way, you may because that is the fun part!
If you just want to be able to find your things when you need them, that is the real goal. Decorating is up to you.
I try not to since people need to want to get organized to really be successful. If you want to have someone schedule the appointment and you’ll pay, great. But I do not want people to be given a gift card and they are not ready to part with their things and get organized. I do not ever think it is a good idea to surprise people with an organized room or house since they will lose trust in you. Belongings are very personal to people and I’d love you to maintain that relationship since it is more important than a pretty space.