About Nancy Nickel

Who am I and how I got started?
I have always been an organized and structured person. I’m the product of a perfectionist mom and a very efficient dad so I always wanted to get everything done right and fast. My mom says I’ve been on a predictable schedule since birth.
I used to help friends and family organize their places, move, and reorganize things everywhere I worked because it was fun for me and it created order out of chaos and made things make sense and increased productivity.
I got my bachelors in psychology (from Wittenberg University–Go Tigers!) because it is fascinating to me how people think and what makes them do what they do. It comes in handy when working with clients to understand where they are coming from.
Peaceful Places est. 2006
I am a certified elementary teacher who used to organize in the evenings, weekends, and during breaks when I first opened Peaceful Places in 2006. Now I’m a full-time organizer and teach organizing skills to adults one-on-one and in group classes.
I love what I do to give people the skills to make their spaces work for them. Sometimes it is just giving my clients permission that things don’t have to be the way they have always been and we can rethink things.
There’s really no right or wrong way to organize your space, it is just whatever works for you and your situation.
I like to give people ideas based on my experience working with different clients that will save them time, money, and energy.

The Nickel Family
We are a family of 4 with my wonderful husband Tim and 2 children, Brooke and Colt, who are in elementary school and middle school.
Tim wasn’t sure about me when we met because I rearranged all his stuff on the coffee table within minutes of being in his place. Then a few weeks later, he decided he needed me in his life and it could be a good thing to have me around with his ADHD brain. We have been working on systems and arranging things ever since then. We got married in 2009.
Also having two very active children has given me a lot of practice managing schedules, chores, activities and all the toys and stuff that children bring.
I now help overwhelmed families to organize their homes in Leander, Texas and surrounding area. I specialize in helping busy moms and those with ADHD.