10 minutes Invested, 10 minutes Earned
Saving time is one of my favorite things since its one thing we can’t ever get back. If we invest a few extra minutes here or there to do things right the first time, we earn back that time tenfold in things we enjoy. If we just think about things in our daily life, we can find some time-savers.
In order to delegate items to others we need to be specific about the task and teach them how we want the task done. People can’t meet our expectations if they don’t know them. Kids are certainly capable from a young age to help with chores like setting the table, getting ingredients out for meals and putting them back, and laundry.

Prepare Ahead
We need to prepare items ahead of time. That means that when we are picking out pajamas at night, that we also pick out the next day’s outfit including socks and shoes. We also can set out our breakfast bowls, cereal, silverware, and get coffee ready to push a button. The more automatic things are in the morning, the better.

Be thorough
We need to be thorough on our tasks the first time so that we don’t leave just a part of it for later. When we clean the bathroom, get all the cleaning supplies for the room at once and do the vanity, mirror, tub, toilet and floor at once. If something is skipped because you’ll do it “later,” a lot of times it gets forgotten.
When we are getting out of the car, take everything you can into the house on the first trip and then get anything else right then. If we wait until later, you know what happens…things end up living in the car instead of getting put away.
When doing a project, put all the items away at the same time. We like to work on a craft and then put it all away before moving on to something else.
Go through the mail daily so it doesn’t stack up. Clean counters every night so that it is clean in the morning. You get the picture.

Double Up
Lastly, I like to double up on tasks. If I am printing off some things on the printer, I go ahead and print off all I’ll need for a few days at a time. If I’m cooking a large quantity, I freeze family-size portions to have for later. I pack lunches at the same time that I’m making dinner because the kitchen is already in use.
You get the idea…when you are doing something, do a little extra to save those minutes to use later.

Reward Time
Now what are you going to do with your extra time that you saved? Is it time to spend walking your dog in the neighborhood? Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while? Play a game with your family? Read a magazine that you didn’t have a chance to get to yet?